Hanna Maria Kotrschal
In 1979, my soul journey brought me to Linz (Austria) and from there to the beautiful "Muehlviertel" where I experienced a sheltered childhood, surrounded by forests, meadows and cows.
Since my earliest childhood, one of my favorite pastimes has been just observing the world around me. From a young age I tried not only to understand the world as a whole, but also the connections within it, trying to recognize the big picture down to the last detail, a fascination that even today runs through my life down in each moment of my everyday life.
As I grew older, the world became a wonderful playground for the human experience on all levels: to stretch the limits of one's own body in (competitive) sports, to explore the capacities of the mind through numerous University degrees and a career as a lawyer and financial expert in the professional world and last but not least to travel the world and to connect with other people, languages and cultures. And yet, despite all the abundance of experiences, there has always been a void that I could not explain to myself at a younger age.
At the age of 23, I left my home country to study and travel abroad for several months. During this journey, I came into contact with one of several movies that were meant to significantly steer my life in a certain direction. When watching this particular one I seemingly made one of the most important decisions of my life: I chose the red pill. This was probably the first step into the direction of the still unbroken desire not only to recognize the pattern within the matrix, but above all to come into contact with the absolute truth that lies hidden behind this matrix.
Ten years later I finally found Kundalini Yoga, or you could say, yoga and the spirituality associated with it found me. From this point on, the probably most important journey in this life began, the journey back to my (innermost) home and to the origins of my actual existence.
Since the foundation of The WhiteLight in 2020, I have been able to pass on my insights and experiences to other people, a task that continues to expand, refine and intensify each and every day. Knowing about my unique and specific place in the universe and the associated task of supporting other people on their soul journey fills me with love and gratitude every day, which elevate every single moment on this planet to a particularly valuable one.
The Soul´s Journey
A 180 degree change of perspective
A series of profound experiences has led to my capacity to experience the world as it actually is, namely as a unity in deep plurality and abundance that is difficult to describe in words.
A few years ago, during a silent retreat, I was able to see the world with new eyes for the first time: after hours of deep meditation, during a break at the breakfast table, the boundaries between subject and object as well as the concepts of time and space suddenly collapsed within theirselves without leaving any substance or trace. All that remained was the stillness of space behind all the earthly sounds, pervaded by the movement of life itself, unattached to any center, person, or other specific position or perspective. Everything experienced up to that point suddenly appeared rotated by 180 degrees, an experience that ultimately brought me to the core of absolute truth.
This experience was followed by years of further healing and integration, until the full realization and expression of the "I am that I am". Since that moment, I too can say from the bottom of my heart "I am the (white) light of the world" (as surely are all the other souls in the universe). But even here the process does not end, because the process of "I am" and the associated perception of actual existence (lat. ex-istere = stepping out of being) now follows the return to the original state of pure being, which ultimately also includes the fading of this knowledge and perception, the journey of even the "I am" transcending into itself.
Academic Background
2019 - 2023
Masters degree in Consultation sciences and Management of Social systems at the Sigmund Freud University in Vienna (MSc.)
2019 - 2022
1998 - 2005
Master/Ph.D. in law (Mag. Dr. iur.)
Studies in Financial Management (MAS)
Studies in Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Post-doc fellowship at Duke University School of Law, USA (LLM)
Studies in Logotherapy and Existential analysis according to Viktor Frankl in Vienna.
Books & other publications
The Space between two Chairs. A scientific study on the spiritual dimension between therapists and clients (Master thesis SFU Vienna, 2023)
From Trauma to Enlightenment. A Journey of Healing on all levels of Human Being (Buchschmiede, 2024)
The Awakening of the Inner Buddha. The Healing and Enlightenment of our Being through Awareness (Buchschmiede, 2024)
The 10 Dimensions of the Soul. The Journey of the Soul (also) beyond time and space (w.i.p.)
WhiteLight Yoga. The Yoga and Energies of the New Era (w.i.p.)