WhiteLight Balancing
Humanity and Mama Gaia are currently facing a major transition into a new era. The spiritual world speaks of a transition from the twelfth creation to the thirteenth creation. Twelve is the number of the masculine principle that has shaped humanity over the past millennia. The 3rd dimension (deriving from the cross sum of 12 → 1+2 = 3), on which we are experiencing our existence at the moment, is shaped by the energies and qualities of the 3rd chakra (the solar plexus chakra) and come with the themes of power, control, and submission. With the transition into the thirteenth creation (1+3 = 4), we will enter the 4th and 5th dimensions, which - by their nature - are more closely related to the feminine principle. These dimensions is a dimension beyond time and space and will be shaped by a completely new perception of (divine) love and connection (major qualities of the heart chakra) and the expression of these qualities within as well as without (through the throat chakra).
Our physical and energetic bodies are currently in the phase of preparing for and adapting to these higher vibrations of the 13th creation (respectively, the 4th and 5th dimensions). It is now time to gently release the last old energies from our body, mind, and spirit, to tune into this new energies and express them within and throughout our being.
WhiteLight Balancing is a gentle, non-dual approach that gently supports this process of realignment on all levels. By releasing old blockages and stimulating the flow of energy within all bodies, they become more open and receptive to the new energies.
In our future energetic body, a significant shift will take place: Our originally individual chakras will unite into one major chakra and we will experience the reactivation of our original divine DNA (the original blue-print of our soul). This will enable the optimal development of our light body and the integration of the divine light, combined with the clarity and love of the WhiteLight itself.
With WhiteLight Balancing, we work on the energetic body in order to support it in the times of purification and letting go. As soon as the energetic body (and all other levels of being) are ready, I may accompany you on the process of realignment and unification described above and help to align your energies with this new frequency. The session does not require any active involvement on your part, it is enough to be willing to engage in this process with an open heart and mind and to find yourself in a relaxed position in a room that is as quiet and protected as possible for the duration of the session. The session can take place both on site and remotely.
WhiteLight Balancing is a supportive technique from the field of human energetics and representsno curative treatmentin the medical sense. It does not replace a visit to the doctor or other indicated therapies by a therapist. In the event of illness and/or persistent symptoms, medical and/or therapeutic clarification is therefore required!