WhiteLight Yoga
There are countless reasons to practice yoga. And each of these reasons is special, unique and beautiful. As individual and perfect as the person who practices yoga.
"Yoga brings you into the moment
of the here and now.
The only moment and the only place
that exists.”
Hanna M. Kotrschal
Background of Yoga:
The most original goal of yoga is described in the teachings as to bring the human body, mind and soul into balance and to connect them with one another. On a higher level, one could also say to connect the finite perception of the human being with the infinite consciousness of the being itself and to fully express this combined consciousness also in daily life.
The approach of WhiteLight Yoga:
With WhiteLight Yoga I follow my perception that every yogic tradition is unique, complete and beautiful in itself. However, different people have individual needs at different points in their lives and/or go through different processes that can be optimally fulfilled and supported with the right choice of practice. These pre-conditions must be recognized in order to select the respective practice accordingly or to alternate or combine different techniques with one another without interfering with the respective purity and completeness of the tradition itself.
For more than 10 years the focus of my teaching was based on Kundalini Yoga and the principles of Hatha Yoga according to Swami Satyananda. Since the beginning of 2023 I follow the call of my Higher Self (as well as the guidance from the spiritual realms) to create a space for the Yoga of the New Age. Here we completely detach ourselves from any tradition or predetermined technique or sequence of exercises, but look at what expression in the form of movement, stillness, sound or silence it takes for body, mind and spirit to unfold in its full light. We let ourselves be completely guided by your own inner wisdom as well as the messages from the spiritual dimension. With this approach the yoga of the New Era leaves behind the male dominated tantric principles and returns to its root to the more feminine vedantic approach.
My personal path of Yoga
My personal path of yoga began in a challenging phase of life more than ten years ago. It was the yoga in all its diversity that significantly supported my own process of healing and transcendence on all levels of the human being. Up until today, yoga has become an integral part of my daily life routine.
I completed my training in Kundalini Yoga through the three-year level 1 and 2 of the KRI® certified training in Austria and France. Since 2018 I have been an (associate) Kundalini Yoga teacher trainer for the training of prospective yoga teachers. I am also a Kundalini yoga teacher for the period of pregnancy and post-natal rehabilitation.
During many months of training in India in 2014 and 2016, I also completed the training to become a Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga and Yoga Therapy teacher as well as an Ayurveda practitioner.
In total, I have completed more than 1000 hours of training and education at Yoga Alliance® registered institutions and hold an E-RYT® 500 and YACEEP® certification from Yoga Alliance®.
I am currently passing on my knowledge and experience in individual lessons, regular workshops and Yoga teacher training courses in Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Switzerland.