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Hanna Kotrschal

The Phenomena of White Light Consciousness –

Seeing and experiencing the entire universe in its fullest spectrum of pure White Light.

Nature emits a light, and by its radiance she can be known.

But in man there is still another light

apart from that which is innate in nature.

It is the light through which man experiences, learns, and fathoms the supernatural.

Those who seek in the light of nature

speak from the knowledge of nature;

but those who seek in the light of man

speak from the knowledge of super-nature.


1. The Phenomena of (White) Light

It is light itself that enables the earthly experience as a human being, an animal or plant. Light radiating out of a rich diversity of sources, above all the Sun, is the most essential ingredient for all earthly phenomena such as the growth of plants, the creation of rain as well countless other activities and mechanisms on this planet.

The earthly experience is experienced through countless different shades and aspect of light, showing itself in plentiful different colors, shades and forms. Within the full spectrum of light, it is the phenomena of white light (or White Light) that is of mayor interest, for the scientist as well as the spiritual aspirant or Yogi(ni).

From a scientific approach, white light is defined as a light that contains all the wave-lenghts of visible light at approximately equal intensities, as in sunlight or the light from white-hot solids such as crystals. In its appearance as pure white light it appears colorless, while containing and holding within all the colors of the full spectrum of different colors and shades of light. Therefore, white light (or White Light in capital letters, once leaving the purely scientific approach) can be seen as a perfect composition of all the aspects of human life in this universe, from which each and every aspect could be seen and experienced by a human being in a dual way of perception, while - at the same time - creating a completely non dualistic phenomena of the White Light universe, as this White Light is all there is (at least in the earthly realms, so let´s pause here for a moment with this conclusion).

Yet, it is that seemingly never-ending paradox that is difficult to grasp for the human (dualistic part of the) mind that in the end all the singular visions and experiences that we are perceiving within our dual world are merging into the completely non dualistic conception of the (White Light) universe.

2. The Spiritual Realms and States of Consciousness

During our experience on earth as a human being we are constantly experiencing different levels of consciousness as well as different levels of existence. According to the development of our refinement of our awareness and perception we are able to reveal one level after another, like the peeling of an onion which allows us to refine our perception as well as our awareness step by step, bit by bit. With each layer that we pierce and we are walking through towards the light, our experience not only becomes more subtle but is also freed from being limited to a purely dualistic perception of the world within as well as around us. It´s a journey from our dualistic perception of the third dimension (or third realm) towards the higher realms of universal totality of non-duality (often referred to as the fifth, sixth and seventh realm), a journey from the perception of the self or Ego towards our true nature, our true Self (sometimes also referred to as Higher Self).

Whenever we get in touch with White Light Consciousness, we are touching the purest universal reality in its truest form, as within ourselves as well as around us (as in the end the universal totality does not fall under the concept of any dualistic experience that could distinguish and/or divide between within and without).

When walking on the so-called spiritual path towards a more refined consciousness one usually gets in touch with the different realms of perceptions, which are closely linked to different states of consciousness.

· The Third dimension – the Physical Plane

The physical plane is the realm of our Mother Earth with all its materialized subjects and objects in different forms, shapes, sounds and so forth. It’s - at least on the surface - a place of duality and the major melting pot for human experiences. It’s the place of the Laws of Karma and Dharma and the place of gathering experience of the Soul (a “unit” of Consciousness) as a human being.

· The Fourth Dimension – the Astral Plane

The astral plan is the place of dream state and the “store-house” for all of all human and non-human experience, action, knowledge and wisdom and therefore the realm of the Akashic Records. It´s the destination for Astral Travelers, Oracles and the Seers; A place which me might visit from time to time to reconnect with higher wisdom and knowledge, but usually not a plane of constant residence.

· The Fifth Dimension

While the fourth dimension is still a place of experience, karmic life lessons and karmic connections, the fifth dimension is a place beyond (earthly) time and space. Contrary to the urge of knowledge and understanding on the third and fourth dimension, the fifth dimension is a place of inner knowing (without any further investigation or inquiry) and therefore a plane of relaxation and deep inner peace.

· The Sixth Dimension

The sixth dimension is the place of merging with totality and complete unification. It comes with the revelation and experience of being One. It´s the full realization of the heart and the place of oneness with the (Higher) Self. It's the state were we first experience the "I am" in its highest form.

· The Seventh Dimension

The seventh dimension is a realm beyond any human description – call it as to your truest realization: Christ Consciousness, Heavens or Full Liberation. It´s not a place of experience or perception, it´s a place of pure being and realization.

In the teachings, the White Light has been attributed to the 5th and 6th dimension, sometimes also to the 7th dimension (the latter for those approaches that do not distinguish between White Light and Clear Light). Yet whatever approach we might follow, it is important to note, that the wish to place the White Light (or Clear Light) into a certain concept or place is an action of the thinking mind (which is per se limited and dual in its way of perceiving “reality”). It is not of any relevance to know where the White Light calls its home, any description is a mere attempt to grasp a vastness that anyhow could never be perceived with the mind; May the attempt to understand its nature be a mere invitation, an open door for the White Light to reveal itself in any form and on any level it may chooses to do.

3. The Experience of White Light

The experience of light phenomena in various forms is quite common. Unfortunately, our present civilized world does not pay much attention or give even meaning to it. People who have had White Light experiences (such as near-death experiences) are often disbelieved, shunned or ridiculed. Yet, when disregarding any kind of light phenomena, it means disregarding the fact that life on this planet came into being by the light of the sun (as a symbol for the much more complex Source of Light itself) and that life is being sustained by it (by sun light as well as the Light of Source) at each and every second of existence.

The experiences of light phenomena are well known and documented in regard to Kundalini experiences. According to the Indian yogic tradition (as well as many other traditions) Kundalini is a type of energy that is held at rest in a dormant, potential state in the human body at the end of the spine. When this energy is awakened (and sufficiently “nourished” along its way), it rushes along the central axis of the spine all the way up to the crown of the head, where it gives rise to a heightened state of consciousness.

An awakened Kundalini is not only the beginning of a deep, deep transformation of a human being on all levels - physical, psychological as well as spiritual - but also quite often initiates a series of multiple (White Light) phenomena. Therefore, light, in its many forms, is an important aspect of any Kundalini awakening, and as such has been reported not only countless times by Yogi(nis) of each Yogic tradition but also in the mystics of all mayor religions.

In alchemical texts, light is often mentioned as an important experience of the spiritual alchemist. The alchemists often distinguish between the “natural light” (white light) which is a created light omnipresent in the created world (yet to be seen and experienced in its dualistic expression, such as in various different colors of light on the earthly realms), and the “supernatural light” (White Light) which is uncreated and spiritual by nature (and therefore completely non-dual), and is present in the more subtle or divine realms.

The experience of White Light Consciousness establishes a more refined perception of one`s existence, elevated above the mere perception through the bodily senses and the more limited aspects and parts of the human mind. Any White Light experience comprises a deep purification of perception of existence which ultimately leads to an uninterrupted perception of the different realms of non-dual universal existence. It creates and establishes a sense of Light consciousness that goes beyond our earthly manifested (created) world and expands into the more subtle, purely spiritual (or uncreated realms), the realms in which our essence, our divine spirit, our truest Self resides.

When entering the realms of White Light one can experience not only the living, manifested Light in the form of creation itself, but also boundless love that lies behind each and every act of creation. It is the Light of Source that radiates an all-encompassing love and a wonderful, all embracing acceptance of all there is. (White) Light consciousness is a feeling of pure bliss through being filled with the Divine, with love, peace, joy and beyond. Although the experience is different for each individual according to his or her personality, individuality and prior experiences, cultural background and the currently given circumstances, the Light itself is always the same for each and every one. The Light never discriminates, it´s beyond all duality. In the Light we are all connected, and we are able to see the other person as a beautiful being without a sense or experience of separation through race, gender, politics or any other sort of differentiation.

The experience of White Light is never experienced through the Ego, which by nature belongs to the lower realms of form and matter. While the primary levels of consciousness can still be induced and supported by will, Light consciousness may only appear by the grace of the Divine through one´s channels of the truest Self.

4. From White Light Consciousness to the Clear Light Consciousness

We are experiencing consciousness on all its different levels of existence, one after another – as mentioned before – such as the peeling of an onion until we finally meet and merge with the ultimate state of consciousness. The Clear Light Consciousness.

When we start our journey on the path of Self-discovery and Self-realization we will first encounter with the vision of White Light. It’s the vision and realization that the entire universe consists of an empty space that is filled with White Light – the totality of all creation in all its forms, colors and aspects. This vision and experience of White Light brings us in union with all there is, a formless state of being without any boarders or boundaries and no bondage to the physical appearances of the divine creation. Everything is experienced in its purest nature of a non-dual existence. One space filled with all there is. The entire ocean of consciousness in it´s totality of non-duality.

It´s this first (and probably most essential) realization that this reality IS the universal reality. It´s the experience of who you are in your truest nature and what you always have been. A drop in the ocean (of consciousness) and the ocean (of consciousness) in a drop. It´s by this realization that we can realize the merging of all our levels and layers of our different levels of being, a state of unification and healing of our innermost physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual layers, aspects and facets. The experience of mere bliss. It´s only then, when we can rise above the illusion of separation, physical pain and restriction, psychological trauma and other imprints as well as negative emotions and spiritual suffering (and even the longing thereafter) that we can enter the realms behind the unified White Light, the space that contains all that White Light. A space that is purely pitch dark by its nature – dark not in a “negative” way – it’s that kind of darkness as it appears also in nature just before the rising of the sun, it is that moment when the night actually appears from its darkest side and therefore in its truest and most heightened from.

It´s that momentum when even this joyful totality of White Light is left behind to experience the Black Light – the container for all there is in the universe, including the White Light – when the blissful state and experience of the all containing White Light unifies with the darkness and emptiness of the Black Light Experience to finally reveal a complete unified Clear Light Consciousness. It is a realization of pure and clear borderless consciousness without any form or substance. It is the essence of all there is. The “I AM” of existence. “I am that I am” or “I am, I am”. The “Eno no eno” (in Aramaic). It´s the ultimate merging and realization of the most subtle Clear Light, pure and complete in its divine nature, the “space” where all experience, feeling, emotion, sensation has ceased. The ultimate cessation of thought, thought forms, patterns or concepts and Ego, even beyond the Yogic Concept of the Chitta Vritti Nirodhaha.

The more we can connect with this realization, the more we can live our truest and highest version of our Self, resting and being held within ourselves while embracing the truest reality with all there is.

In crystal clear White Light Consciousness. Sat Nam.

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Dec 06, 2023

I am curious to know your thoughts on gold light. In the book "The Ra Contact", Ra explains the light in the 5th density as "white" and the light in the 6th density as "gold" but said the gold is not in our visible spectrum as it is "alive". I recently had a dream of my brother, who died in 2015. In this dream, his skin was a shimmering gold unlike anything I have ever seen. He died at the age of 54 but in this dream, he looked flawless and young as if in his 20's. I was curious to know if the gold light could be an indication that his spirit is in the 6th density? Of …

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